A talk by Katarina Blom shows us that we need to work on building our happiness up and remove the negative thoughts rather than just thinking positively.

With all of the things we have going on in our lives, full of distractions and commitments, it is hard to keep focus on the things that matter. Our minds wander a lot of the time and we get bogged down. When this happens it becomes hard to focus on the positives and we become more in tune with focusing on the negatives going on around us. Our thoughts are hard to control, so we need to create positive action over our minds.

If we begin to build healthy habits in our mind by doing actions which give positive results, both for ourselves and others, we can get in to a positive repetition and build up the skill of happiness. This can be done by focusing on the relationships we have around us and making sure we care more and think more of those we know. When we make an effort in this way, we can slowly build outcomes which leads to the happy feelings we need in life, and also spread the happiness and skill of creating this to others.

1.  What kind of interaction would the video require from your students? Does it force them to respond in some way (inherent)?

The video uses an exercise to interact with the learner and tells everyone the truth that we don’t always do what others tell us. We prefer to do what others do. This is important for creating happiness for ourselves and others.This video does not force learners to respond. Just shared with learners how to create happiness.

2. In what way are they likely to respond to the video on their own, e.g. make notes, do an activity, think about the topic (learner-generated)?

Learners can take different reactions through this video. I suggest that learners can write down their thoughts while watching videos and think independently about what is happiness and how to create happiness. After watching the video, you can share your thoughts with other learners. This is an advantage of interactive learning. Learners can think again and share more ideas during the sharing process.

3. How could the video have been designed to generate more or better activity from viewers or students?

Many interesting short films can be used to show how to create happiness, rather than some theoretical knowledge. Because by showing small videos to learners, they can be immersed in them and can feel more intuitively, which makes the thinking more clear.

4. How will you address any potential barriers for your learners in the use of this video to ensure an inclusive design?

If the learner has problems with hearing, the video will be provided with subtitles. If there is a problem with vision, the sound of the video is very clear so that the learner can fully understand the content of the video.


  1. Alistair Jensen

    Hi Yulu,

    Thanks for sharing that video. I enjoyed watching it and reading your post! I think to add on your answer for number three, I think the video could have had animations added to it. Sometimes the simple format of Ted Talks bores me. I like when they post videos that have added graphics and animations to supplement what is being talked about. It is actually a common multimedia learning tactic to add images to narration. Vox makes great videos like this (here is another video on mental help that has fantastic animations: I like your interest in happiness. What personal happiness habits work for you?

    • hey2

      Thank you for your comments, I think your suggestions are particularly useful, indeed TED TALK will make people feel boring and tasteless. I think the animation video you provided to me is particularly interesting. Compared with the video provided by me, I prefer the video you provided to me, which is very interesting. For me, happiness is a very simple matter. The secret to maintaining happiness is to accept yourself, love yourself, and be a definer of the meaning of life rather than a chaser.

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